Swap examples

This section contains example schemes for swap operations

Simple swap with referral

Simple swap of one token to another.

Bob is user doing the swap, Alice is referral, Send is send token, Receive is receive token.

Cross-swap on the same Router

Swap of one token to another using an intermediary token. This method is used if there's no available pool for a pair of tokens but there're pools for each token and some other (the same for both) intermediary token. This type of swap is not limited to 1 intermediary: in practice an arbitrary amount of intermediaries can be used. This type of swap can be combined with cross-swap using multiple Routers.

Bob is user doing the swap, Send is send token, Mid is intermediary token, Receive is receive token.

Cross-swap using multiple Routers

Swap of one token to another using different Routers. This method is used if there's no available pool for a pair of tokens on the same Router but there're pools for each token and some other (the same for both) intermediary token on both Routers. This type of swap is not limited to 1 intermediary: in practice an arbitrary amount of intermediaries can be used. This type of swap can be combined with cross-swap on the same Router.

Bob is user doing the swap, Send is send token, Mid is intermediary token, Receive is receive token.

Refund swap

Refund swap if there's not enough liquidity in the pool or the expected amount of receive tokens is less than expected minimum. Since multi-contract transactions in TON are not atomic it is not possible to fully refund cross swap (on the same router or multiple), in such event the user will receive some intermediate token based on the pool used to route the swap.

Bob is user doing the swap, Send is send token, Receive is receive token.

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