This section contains information about SDK for protocol

Welcome to the SDK docs section.

Getting Started


The SDK is written in TypeScript and designed to be a thin wrapper on top of the contracts, which will help protocol to be used more easily in JS/TS projects

The SDK reflects the structure of contracts so that access to contract methods is possible through the use of the corresponding class from the SDK.

@ton package

SDK is built based on the @ton package, which provides primitives for working with data on the TON blockchain, as well as bare contract instances that our SDK expands with unique contract methods

The @ton library allows you to make on-chain requests and for that uses toncenter API with a rate limit of 1 request per second. You can obtain higher limits by:

  • requesting an API key from toncenter with a 10 request per minute limit

  • use open TON API instance, for example, from ORBS

  • found a paid instance of TON API with suitable rate limits for your case

  • selfhost an instance of TON API


Firstly install the @ton/ton package following their installation guide

Then, add SDK package using the package manager of your choice.

npm install @ston-fi/sdk
yarn add @ston-fi/sdk
pnpm install @ston-fi/sdk

Installation of release candidate version

Sometimes, we publish a release candidate version of the SDK package to give you early access to the next version. To install this version, you need to expressly specify that you are interested in the next version during the installation.

npm install @ston-fi/sdk@latest
yarn add @ston-fi/sdk@latest
pnpm install @ston-fi/sdk@latest


We recommend you check the documentation sections dedicated to the architecture of contracts and their methods to get more context about protocol in general before starting to interact with the contracts via the SDK

The remaining sections of the documentation will demonstrate specific examples of the SDK usage:

Last updated