create a custom router revision

This section describes how to create a custom router revision

Create a custom router revision.

import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import {
} from '@ston-fi/sdk';

 * This example shows how to create custom revision
 * for the router, pool, and lp-account classes

class MyRouterRevision extends RouterRevisionV1 {
  // here you can override any method from default revision with your own implementation

  // if you will need custom pool revision, you need to override constructPoolRevision method
  public override constructPoolRevision: RouterRevision['constructPoolRevision'] = (
  ) => new MyPoolRevision();

class MyPoolRevision extends PoolRevisionV1 {
  // here you can override any method from default revision with your own implementation

  // if you will need custom lp account revision, you need to override constructLpAccountRevision method
  public override constructLpAccountRevision: PoolRevision['constructLpAccountRevision'] =
    (pool) => new MyLpAccountRevision();

class MyLpAccountRevision extends LpAccountRevisionV1 {
  // here you can override any method from default revision with your own implementation

const customRouter = new Router(new TonWeb.HttpProvider(), {
  revision: new MyRouterRevision(),
  address: 'EQB3ncyBUTjZUA5EnFKR5_EnOMI9V1tTEAAPaiU71gc4TiUt',

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