perform a swap operation
This section contains SDK example for performing swap in DEX
Perform a swap operation.
import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import { Router, ROUTER_REVISION, ROUTER_REVISION_ADDRESS } from '@ston-fi/sdk';
* This example shows how to swap two jettons using the router contract
(async () => {
const WALLET_ADDRESS = ''; // ! replace with your address
const JETTON0 = 'EQA2kCVNwVsil2EM2mB0SkXytxCqQjS4mttjDpnXmwG9T6bO'; // STON
const JETTON1 = 'EQBynBO23ywHy_CgarY9NK9FTz0yDsG82PtcbSTQgGoXwiuA'; // jUSDT
const provider = new TonWeb.HttpProvider();
const router = new Router(provider, {
// transaction to swap 1.0 JETTON0 to JETTON1 but not less than 1 nano JETTON1
const swapTxParams = await router.buildSwapJettonTxParams({
// address of the wallet that holds offerJetton you want to swap
userWalletAddress: WALLET_ADDRESS,
// address of the jetton you want to swap
offerJettonAddress: JETTON0,
// amount of the jetton you want to swap
offerAmount: new TonWeb.utils.BN('1000000000'),
// address of the jetton you want to receive
askJettonAddress: JETTON1,
// minimal amount of the jetton you want to receive as a result of the swap.
// If the amount of the jetton you want to receive is less than minAskAmount
// the transaction will bounce
minAskAmount: new TonWeb.utils.BN(1),
// query id to identify your transaction in the blockchain (optional)
queryId: 12345,
// address of the wallet to receive the referral fee (optional)
referralAddress: undefined,
// to execute the transaction you need to send transaction to the blockchain
// (replace with your wallet implementation, logging is used for demonstration purposes)
amount: swapTxParams.gasAmount,
payload: swapTxParams.payload,
// reverse transaction is the same,
// you just need to swap `offerJettonAddress` and `askJettonAddress` values
// and adjust `offerAmount` and `minAskAmount` accordingly
Perform a swap operation using proxy-ton.
import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import { Router, ROUTER_REVISION, ROUTER_REVISION_ADDRESS } from '@ston-fi/sdk';
* This example shows how to swap TON to jetton using the router contract
(async () => {
const WALLET_ADDRESS = ''; // ! replace with your address
const JETTON0 = 'EQA2kCVNwVsil2EM2mB0SkXytxCqQjS4mttjDpnXmwG9T6bO'; // STON
const PROXY_TON = 'EQCM3B12QK1e4yZSf8GtBRT0aLMNyEsBc_DhVfRRtOEffLez'; // ProxyTON
const provider = new TonWeb.HttpProvider();
const router = new Router(provider, {
// Because TON is not a jetton, to be able to swap TON to jetton
// you need to use special SDK method to build transaction to swap TON to jetton
// using proxy jetton contract.
// transaction to swap 1.0 TON to JETTON0 but not less than 1 nano JETTON0
const tonToJettonTxParams = await router.buildSwapProxyTonTxParams({
// address of the wallet that holds TON you want to swap
userWalletAddress: WALLET_ADDRESS,
proxyTonAddress: PROXY_TON,
// amount of the TON you want to swap
offerAmount: new TonWeb.utils.BN('1000000000'),
// address of the jetton you want to receive
askJettonAddress: JETTON0,
// minimal amount of the jetton you want to receive as a result of the swap.
// If the amount of the jetton you want to receive is less than minAskAmount
// the transaction will bounce
minAskAmount: new TonWeb.utils.BN(1),
// query id to identify your transaction in the blockchain (optional)
queryId: 12345,
// address of the wallet to receive the referral fee (optional)
referralAddress: undefined,
// to execute the transaction you need to send transaction to the blockchain
// (replace with your wallet implementation, logging is used for demonstration purposes)
amount: tonToJettonTxParams.gasAmount,
payload: tonToJettonTxParams.payload,
// reverse transaction is just a regular swap transaction where `askJettonAddress` is a ProxyTon address.
// see swap example for more details
Recommended gas values
Below are recommended values for TON sent and forward gas for each type of the swap:
-> Jetton
-> Jetton
// (jetton_notification + swap) + (pay_to + jetton_transfer) * 2
fwd_amount = 0.045 + (0.02 + 0.06) * 2 // = 0.205
// jetton_transfer + fwd_amount
tx_amount = 0.06 + fwd_amount // = 0.265
-> pTON
-> pTON
// (jetton_notification + swap) + (pay_to + pton_transfer) * 2
fwd_amount = 0.045 + (0.02 + 0.02) * 2 // = 0.125
// jetton_transfer + fwd_amount
tx_amount = 0.06 + fwd_amount // = 0.185
-> Jetton
-> Jetton
// pton_transfer + (pay_to + jetton_transfer) * 2 + (jetton_notification + swap)
fwd_amount = 0.01 + (0.02 + 0.06) * 2 + 0.045 // = 0.215
// jetton_transfer + fwd_amount
tx_amount = swap_amount + fwd_amount // = swap_amount + 0.215
Last updated